Regulation, inspectorates and authorities in the Netherlands
Book, November 2015, WoltersKluwer
This book describes and analyses general considerations and various aspects of supervision, individual inspectorates and authorities. Rob Velders has written chapter 17 about the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT), together with Rob van Dorp. Supervision is captured between expectations and possibilities. Individual inspections and authorities have their own history, powers and duties. The differences are just as great as the similarities.
Knowledge about the organization and functioning of these inspections and authorities is crucial for the content and quality of the public debate on supervision in general and the individual inspections and authorities in particular.
In addition to general considerations on various aspects of supervision, this ‘Supervision’ handbook describes and analyses individual inspections and authorities. Next market authorities and government inspections are included in this handbook:
• The Dutch National Bank,
• The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets,
• The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets,
• The Dutch Healthcare Authority,
• The Telecom Agency,
• The Inspectorate of Education,
• The Healthcare Inspectorate,
• The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority,
• The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate,
• The Security and Justice Inspectorate,
• The Social Affairs Inspectorate,
• The State Supervision of Mines
• The Youth Care Inspectorate.
The authors expect to provide a broad and in-depth picture of the organization and functioning of the inspections and authorities in the Netherlands. The ‘Supervision’ handbook is suitable for the practice of supervision in the Netherlands, for higher professional education and university education and for science.
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